): !!
i have done 2 today and i'm really tired of it. and this stuuuupid english assignment is depriving me of my sleep. so tired today still must do this to me. and my group members aren't helping at all. and like i can trust them with the work. hmph.
and its so just PERFECT that i'm the person in charge here. hmf!!
goodnight. i'm dead tired.
hence, because of the constant climbing up and down the staircase.. don't think sitting down all of a sudden on the last flight of steps is weird.
lalala. i've been singing SHINE JESUS SHINE today. and of course not to mention the 2 chinese songs we sang for chapel on monday. heh. so fun. and jieyi i'm perfectly alright! very sane i can assure you. [:
i think. i forgot to say this just now.
haha i'm not blogging about the rest of my trip cos number 1, i'm too lazy and number 2, i'm not at home hence my photos are not with me.
and so now i'm in school supposedly doing project work but due to the computers not allowing access into gmail (which i seriously don't understand why don't they) we decided to do it at home though we're not exactly sure how. baahh.
the MGmusical - walking from eve to mary has been great/annoying/fun/tiring/funny/blabla. its truly a good show and you'll know why when you see it. yeah true that the tickets are
i believe that every scene is wonderful and just great, even though i haven't watched all the scenes and will never hurr. for example i haven't watched the woman and the well, the 2 eve's scenes, the club part before the lot's family runs away and the 3evil women. mirim's scene we watched abit and its really nice. the music is like wow. lot's wife is freaky. roman's dance is okay. and golgotha is quite cool. and i didn't exactly watch the part when the 2 marys found the tomb empty. and the finale. is like wow wow WOW. i just love the arrangement of the music and its really sweet (: and of course i watched the annunciation.. whatever you spell it and the bleeding woman. bleeding woman is good too (:
so overall. i find it real good. everyone should go. if the prices of tickets was lower, it would be better.
however, prac times are mad. like real mad. parents are getting angry and it isn't very good. also, it ends real late and how is everyone gna study properly? like the school piles homework on us and yet expect us to give so much time for the musical. seriously and honestly, i love the musical but its the prac that is annoying me. cos not like my work is that good. oh dear.
yesterday we ended at 1030. and yesterday was quite fun. we got our costume. i think the best describtion is that our costume is like our blouse.. only twice as thick and 3times as long as our blouse. well until the end of our legs. we were like WHAT in the world is that?! hence, in a few minutes the handbellers became surgeons. oh whatever. then i started pulling the THING up until it became our blouse size. haha. looks more decent. the THING even has a slit in the middle like our blouse la.
then we made a pact to bring it to japan to wear as our pj. haha! then we started imagining some reallyREALLYFUNNNY things heehee. its too scandalous so cannot say here haha! though i do realise i have something with toliets. tsk. haha.
oh yeah. another reason why i think everyone should go for the musical is so that our hard work will truly pay off. anyhow i think everyone involved is doing a great job so far! jiaaayo!
"cookie monster can be eaten. cos if there's a cookie in it then can eat"
haha. thats lame. and its not by me. i love my cookiemonster too much to say that hahaha!
AND IT WORKS!! - dinks and bloppy before we all left for japan, tokyo
mummy standing before all those vending machines (:
interesting drinks they have eh.
welcome to france. no its just the stature of liberty in japan.
this time with my sis, me, mummy and ms zhou (:
rest our eyes and look at some greenery :D
random shot of my sister. since she dosen't want me to take pics of her i have to do candid ones what!
DINKS on my bed!
this time with bloppy : who apparently rolled of the other side of the bed while the previous picture was taken.
our room. tabi's and mine i mean. spot dinks and bloppy! haha (:
a picture that was forced by me. heh. clothes tabi had to wear for dinner
and me. (: don't ask me why the pic is slanted. my sister says its nice. like uhh.
one part of disney sea
oh man i'm seriously too lazy to put up the rest of the pictures. will put it up tml when i blog about the rest of the day.
as the holidays draw to an end (booHOO) i wonder how have i spent my holidays. well at least i DID work. not like i idled away my days. but i also realize that so many things has happened since i had my last lesson in school. the outrage of lipinG and lipinK. and teddy as well. all those funny arguements on who's mad we would have online. hahaha. but thats only the few things. so many more things happened. and its all so fast. sometimes i wonder why is it me that sees all these stuff. i'm growing up. is it? it just hits me that there's so much more outside my so far snug and happy life, revolving home, school, church and family. so many scary things outside, in an adults life. and i really wonder, why must God let me experience and watch all these things happen?
well maybe He just wants to show me, and others what life is outside the enviornment we are so used to. and how we just need to trust Him in times of these. maybe at the end of all these, i gain much more than i can imagine now. have i learnt anything from whatever that has happened during this past month? i certainly have. the moral values of life eh. haha. then again,it makes me thankful for whatever comfort i have from the physical things to the love and care i get from my family and friends. (:
we will never know what will happen tml, so all we can do now is to trust Him to work His plan within each and everyone of us. and to all those in depair and sadness right now : trust Him. He's the best person we can trust, even though everything seems to get worse each day. grah.
my camera is still charging thats why.
(starting from the oldest)
sarah: yes yes lipinK! heh.
lipin: hahaha. mhm really. i never knew and will never know. hahahahahahahahaahahaha x)
lipin: where was esther i have no idea. in singapore definately. but her blog also got no post - meaning maybe her comp spoil or something? haha.
yan: hello! i missed you too! haha thanks for flooding. if thats what you wanna call that heh.
lipin: yes i was coming back you toot.
yan: haha. hello again!
lipin: no teddy. only tiffany is back!
yan: (:
lipin: OF COURSE they are in one piece.
michelle: hello! yes very sad. :(
okokay i will now begin the loooooong account about what happened. whoops but currently now the pics are REFUSING to appear in the post so no pic for now.
brief introduction. you see my grandfather paid for everything. and i mean EVERYTHING. plane fare, food, hotel stays, admission entrance into the amusement parks, blabla. and also, he gave us (in $), $1400 as our 'pocketmoney'. you should have seen my mum's face when she first found out. very funny. yeah so its as good as going for a totally free trip.
okay to me, the best part was the flight! why cos its BUISNESSCLASS. absolutely wonderful. we even got to sit the upstairs one. WHEE(: and the seat is like wow. you get to sleep totally flat down like a normal bed and yet you don't disturb the person behind you at all. and controls for the seat was pretty cool too. and since our flight was at 1140pm, i slept almost the whole time, wasting away krisworld, like what cara said. hah. but i was tired and the seat was so good. hoho. we sat on the right side however, whoever is interested on which side we sit on. and we didn't see anything outside. weirdly, it was the right side which had all windows opened while the left side were all closed! hahahahahaa.
oh btw did i tell you. i brought DINKS&BLOPPY along to japan. dinks got packed in our luggage while bloppy had the opportunity of being squashed by me while sleeping on the plane heh.
anyway we reached tokyo at er i think 7something in the morning. singapore would be 6something. and by the time we got out of the airport was one hour later. due to the only-three-counters-to check your passport thing. and then we met one of the staff of PIL. he took us to the hotel where we kept our luggage. then we met ms zhou, a chinese national with very pro japanese language and writing. another staff and she was going to be with us for the rest of the trip except at disney sea. yeah then we went for lunch and then to this city tour. it was rubbish la actually. a lot of waiting took up the about 3hours. we were waiting at this place which had loads of vending machine. and all sorts of drinks. haha interesting.
then we went for this boat ride which brought us to this man made island. the guide was very funny and weird. he kept on saying we will take this 'computer train' what he actually meant was a computorised train. LRT lah. only longer. yeah then he kept on saying its a computer train. no driver. hahahaha. i think we were suppose to be like WOW. or something. but obviously not. hahaha. then we kept on having 'free time'. haha. and then there was this statue of liberty there too. haha. not sure why but whatever la. (:
so we took the 'computer train' to this panasonic museum. OH and then there was the part when we reached and we had to insert the ticket into the machine before passing. like the old system before we had ezlinkcard. and there was this screen which says some jap words and at the bottom, it said 'thank you' hahahaha the tourguide made sure everyone saw those 2words ; thank you! funnnny. and from then on whenever we took train i would point to the words thankyou to my mum haha.
we finally got back to the hotel and manage to shower and everything. then at 730, we met my uncle, aunty, their 3children william, gabriella and ray downstairs. age 15, 10 and 8 respectively. ate dinner and went back to sleeeep!
18thjune - bloppy goes to disney sea! (in a ziplock bag to prevent him from getting wet)
okay happy father's day. too bad there's church and i missed one sunday. :/ but anyway, we went to disney sea. i really don't see any diff in land and sea. next there would be disney air man. haha. well we were prac forced to take the indianajones ride. by my uncle. it seemed really odd. like he takes the rides JUST for the picture that will be taken. okay. and i closed my eyes for like 98% of the whole ride. i really rather go for harmless rides. or those small rollarcoasters which i enjoy. haha. like the flounder's rollarcoaster. so fun! haha. i liked aquatopia best. its harmless and its on water. i kinda got freaked out by the 20,000leagues under the sea EVEN THOUGH i knew it was kinda harmless. still what. there was this very scary atmosphere during the ride.
then there was TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. i kept on thinking it was to the ends of the earth but it wasn't.
something like in the volcano and you see all sorts of weird things inside and at the last part you go down this steeepSTTEEEEEEEP slope and tada, its done. all the girls didn't go for the ride the FIRST TIME. only the guys. second time was much later. and i kena got pulled along by ray and vivian the maid. she's really nice (: and then later my dad pulled in my sister and gabriella. tsk. so anyway i went in with alot of preparation by ray. it was er quite okay in the beginning. and there was real fire which was quite cool. and then towards the end it was like zooom left zooooom right and ZOOOM in the funniest direction ever and THEN.
oh my goodness it was so steeep and long! and i don't scream in rides no matter how scary it is. infact the scarier, the more quiet i'll become. and it was quite freaky cos in our car there was like - silence. no screaming at all. and then i was thinking - er. wheee? anddd, according to my sister who was sitting behind me with my dad, he was still looking around and it was disneysea scenery on one side and he was gazing around?!! crazy la. and he was telling my sister looklook! wah. tsk. and then it was over. (:
the nightdisplay was honestly retarded. hahahaha it made no sense at all. at the end of the what they call fire and water display, my mum and i (okay fine mainly me) concluded that once upon a time there was lived this bunny ears person made up of water and plastic. dressed like a bride and whatever. and there also lived this fierce scary dragon which was made up of lots of fire and - wire. and then they met and fell in love. married and the end! whats the connection between this and disney sea? good qs. i have no idea. only water. or another possible ending suggested by me was that after they founded disney sea
so much for one day. and so much for one post. i'll post the rest another day cos i'm getting lazy and i need to do heymaths.
yep i'm back. not exactly that happy i'm back and not exactly sad that i'm back. hoho. indecisive me again.
jap wasn't exactly a blast, and i shan't go into detail about it. too lazy heh. i'll give a more detailed recount about it another time. maybe tml. haha after i charged my camera and upload the few pictures i took haha!
sadly we didn't do much sightseeing, something which i would have loved to do. everything was arranged and we went with my uncle's family. i guess its really hard to explain but we didn't have alot of say in alot of things. and those who knows my uncle will kinda get it. right? hahahaa. whatever it was, we went to disney sea and universal studios. universal studios seemed quite pointless cos we went in USA before. and it isn't so great. the worse part was that my uncle made us take all the scary rides, and we couldn't take those harmless rides we would have very much preferred cos he dosen't like it. so sad right. mhmm. more details later. but certain really funny things happened which was quite hilarious.. well at least to me.
also i got a taste on how rich people live and how robotic can they get. everywhere also must take taxi one. haha. maybe i didn't explain enough. we went to japan mainly for this very impt ceramony - the launching of my grandfather's ship which was called kota karim. supposedly meaning city of generousity? haha. yeah and then my mum was the person who had to chop the string which will somehow have some champange bottle smashing on the ship and then streamers and ballons will appear.. a really nice sight actually (= and then lots of people had to try to chop the string a few times.. but my mum managed to chop it in one time and it was really cool. haha. and yeah before that we had this formal dinner. really formal. and like out seat in front of the setting our names would be there and the company name. for my sis and i would be moby dick supplies while our cousins was pacific international lines. haha so cool. cos my uncle is the person in charge of the offices in hongkong and japan. and then yeah the next day we had the christianing and delivery ceramony at the ship yard at toyohashi. more details again in the next post.
haha. we found out that it was extremely difficult to get our way around without knowing how to read or write jap. thankfully my uncle was around so yeah it wasn't that bad. still, it was kind of weird since we have been visiting places like england, ireland, wales (okay fine UK) and USA. and other places in europe people knows english. and japanese people's english is quite horrible hahahaha. their chinese is not too bad - for those who learnt lah.
okay more in the next one. grah i still have my hw to be done.. trying to finish it by tml, so that i can enjoy my last 2days of holidays in peace yay.
dinks and bloppy whee! hahahahahaaha =)
though there's something quite annoying HURR.
anw as i predicted, we haven't started packing yet! hoho. we might pack tonight but tml sure haven't packed everything yet. hahahaha.
andd. i fell sick yesterday night :/ and then this morning i went to the doctor. long time never go. then got medicine and one of the pills so biggg! ): and then i slept after tuition and woke up at 3plus feeling more like myself. haha.
now here's a list of things i need to do before leaving my sunny island, which is tml night.
- pack my bag (duhh! [: )
- collect everyone's address (:
- charge my phone
- charge the camera's battery
- find extra batts for my mp3 yay.
i realise alot gotta do with batts! hahaha.
oh wheee sarah is back! hahahahaha lipinG is happyhappyhappy! heh.
till the 22nd then. if floddding occurs in my tagboard here, do not flood until i can't find the last few tags k! :))))))
cos she was a good girl and studied.
also. she went out to buy stuff!
however there were a few things that i would have very much liked - but never did buy them. sigh. those stuff were really nice!
i have this very random thought but i know that if i say it out loud there would be a hundred percent garuntee that someone would say SIAO!
anyway back to the subject, i STUDIEDDD! =D no actually i have been studying everyday but today i think i studied more. and whats more its on that terrrrrible subject of maths (well i now consider algebra equavalent to maths and nothing else.)
hence i will produce this list on what have i covered so far. oh & to tell you my plan of redoing whatever i have done this year (yes stupid algebra all over again! :/ ) so as to refresh whatever i did cos i think i did forget quite a number of things and i don't want to panick over it last minute for my end years - well in maths at least (: yeah so now i'm on this dreadful task.
in my textbook
nearlydone with chapter 5 and going on with chp6
nothing else so far cos i just started today
in heymaths!
volume & surface area of a right triangular prism
volume of pyramid (egypt! :D)
surface area of a pyramid
pythagoras' theorem
the online test on the pytha thingy!
the pytha thingy! haha its much more interesting and easier to catch the meaning of it than the rest. egypt-y stuff haha! and its muchmuch shorter than the other stuff. so yes i got 2assignments on heymaths out of the way.. leaving me with 3. (: whee!
ah yes THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE SCANNING, PHOTOCOPYING, BLANKOING AND SCANNING AGAIN! now i can do my work in peace knowing that i have my maths paper with me. gna try to do it tml and then i will have to bring it along to jap i guess?
one of the top 10things i wanna know now is
its mrs _____ now????
haha. ;D
really, i hope that by now you would have forgiven and forgetten. cos if you haven't, things would be extremely uncomfortable very soon. i have forgiven and forgotten but i'm not sure if you have. i don't mind starting afresh again and we can forgot whatever crap existed in the past. and i also hope you will not start everything again because i have enough things to handle.
oh no oh no. i hope you have ):
*cues the actions for this song! :D
Christ just makes me incredibly happy. and this song and the one above really shows how i feel now. and it is really great fun doing the actions! mhhmm the sweetness of childhood fun. and nothing stops me from doing all those great action songs we used to do every sunday and it does give me joy to teach the 8years and below kids all those songs (: however, there's this part of sadness that won't go away because so many sad things are happening. but things like this will usually crop up in life and i know that with Christ i can do all things cos He strengthens me. and yes and i know that i can't let all these things get me moody the whole time.. cos i have a whole lot of other things to do and enjoy, hence i can't let myself down so easily. in fact if i did, i would have fallen into depression long time ago =) heh but no i decided to live my life to the fullest and let God fill my life with whatever He has planned for me.
and yes instead of me being depressed i am _____ (i'll leave it to you to fill in the blanks haha!)
oh yes today i went madd. i wrote my very own poem about - myself!!!!!
:D :D
tiffany, tiffany. the one and only tiffany
whose name is NOT teddy
but instead - fernie
but that is only a nickname
which she finds rather um lamee
hence its declared she's tiffany
tiffany and tiffany alone
yamiyogurt is goodgoodgood! (:
bah. i think i'll go watch heffalump movie now! heh.
honestly, i'm very disappointed in the both of you. very. both of you, how different your lives may be, both of you hurt so many people. and me. how could the both of you i ask. not remorseful at all?!
grah. i have many things to say. but words fail me here. one more statement and no more :
when will you ever repent?? for goodness sake stop acting like this. i seriously wouldn't want to see what will happen on judgement day and the main thing is because i wouldn't want to see the both of you in deep trouble
but one thing i know. is that i've definately learnt alot this past year.
don't ask me why i got a xanga when i already got here. it just started with curiousity and so yeah now i have 2. madness right.
and of course i won't be closing this one cos i like here too (: but who knows maybe one day i might totally change to xanga and xanga alone.
but for now. nope (:
and then. i think some mosquitoes are insane. insaneinsane i tell you. stupid. first got bites on my middle toe and on my pinky. now got bite on both my arms! somemore its almost exactly right opp each other and its near the wrist.
weirdo mozzy.
today is the last prac and it feels kinda sad. cos 2weeks passed really fast. today was slightly better than yesterday. haha. rondo was funny. its really hard to explain it. guess only rui, monica, pris and i would know best on how funny and weird it was!
and some extremely funny things happened after prac, though i won't say what it is. heh. rui and monica! tsk.
words just fail me there. what can possibly be worst i ask you.
wow i think you must have a great birthday. good for you then. i didn't even get have the fun of what you got but anyway.. seeing people happy makes me perfectly happy =) why cos its more blessed to give than to recieve. or did i get that phrase wrong. but of course you get what i mean right. haha
and duh my acting is baddd. so which is why things didn't turn out as goood as expected.. hahaha! but nevermind i loved the cake. (: and i want my santa clauses backkkkk where is it.
musical is getting cooler and i wanna watch the whole show!!! wheeee i find all the scences cool and the debriefs are always so funnnny :D
no mood to blog.
things are happening fast. way too fast. can we just pause for a moment?
i guess i can only leave it in God's hands
1day to monica's birthday whee! and 3days to laoda's whooo!
- I HAVE A MOSQUITOE BITE ON MY TOE AND ON MY PINKY AND THEY ARE SUPER ANNOYING. [actually now i figured out that i have 2 bites on my poor toe. which leaves my toe on fire ): ]
- i just came home from schoool. musical prac bah
- pastor patrick acts so very pro! he's acting as Jesus hahahaha.
- i ran around the road today.
- i ran up and down the staircase in schoool so very fast cos of the stupid paint smell that was lingering around at the 4th level.
- the mghandbell choir 06 went to the tiny windows and the side of the sec school hall gallery. and opened it, stood there like prisoners enjoying the outdoor air, sniffing in fresh air which was so very enjoyable at that time! =)
- valerie chia is a very madddd person. and very funny tooo.
- sandra is very pro in making all sorts of faces
- ah ma is indeed ah ma.
- i have dry eyes and need to put some weird gel in my eyes everynight
- i have to put eyedrops tooo! some special one.
- have to bring it to school tml ):
- scared i forget. better ask someone to remind me
- jane brought this really funny letter which she wouldn't show us. ):
- tml prac from 11am to 6pm
- i saw ms tan at the school busstop when on the way to monica's busstop!
- i got off at the correct busstop you know you know you know (((((: so happy.
- i made monica runnnnn out of the house cos i came earlier than she expected.
- nothing else so byebye
- (:
haha go go to see the camp pics that i saved in my comp. another precious collection bah.
haha butbutBUT
well except that day when i nearly collasped. phewww. and did anyone say that everyone seems to be falling sick in the handbell choir? the one who seems the most hyper now is jinhui. haha.
ruijun and monica though went kinda mad and crazy while playing rondo yesterday. >_> and i was the most sane there. and poor pris went home cos she had a fever. getttt weeelll sooooon okay. yeah and the 2 of them went mad. esp rui. beware of her when she laughs man. she will hit innocent people. i got hit twice yesterday. aiyo. badbad. and yeah so prac was rather fun yesterday. and then when we were resting monica and i invented a new clapping game which is extremely useful and fun during pracs. its really funnnny but i shan't say what exactly is it here. too long to describe. and then musical. woah i got freaked out there already during my first prac in the sechall with banggggwenfu and the director. and angel gabriel and the other cast. firstly some people were just so weird. and then the director freaked me out with her face and all those looks. i think she looks ... okay i shouldnt say it cos its rude. and then angel gabriel! her voice so scary! so deeeeep and low. woah. i got a shock when i first heard it.
ohoh. and yesterday i also learnt that i was missed so very much on tues cos i was absent. ahahahah. that was an ego statement. but yeah it takes 2 to do a good job. and the 2 has to only do the job together. okay what i mean was pushing the trolley. haha.
continuing about the musical. i wish sandra can not conduct us but play with us. if it means someone else taking her notes. sigh. but sometimes i guess we can't have our way everytime right. and there's something else with the musical which i'm not very pleased with. and i know some other people aren't tooo. it just dosen't make any sense. and when people see or hear it.. its not gonna be a very good impression on the school. which is what i don't want cos i know mg is a good school and it teaches their students the correct values, including Christian ones.
okay enough about that :D
i'm happy that today is ending cos today has been boring with appointments and music lesson and tuition. hahahahahahaha. wheee tml prac is from 6pm to 10pm. so exciting. honestly actually, i don't mind coming to school for longer hours if it means us improving. and it also helps us bond cos we get bored easily. and when we are bored we bond. get the connection. haha. B and B. and i also don't mind cos i laugh alot when i'm with some REALLY REALLY MAD PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO ACT SANELY LIKE ME. ;D yeah you people are funny. really funny. i can't wait for our japan trip! and the pieces we are playing are so nice! its 'we are the reason' and 'shout to the Lord'
camp pics are out and i must say that the shots were good. though some were pics of dragonflies and a er - frog. hahahaha and if you didn't know, it was mr khoo's bday on the 3rd day of camp and he had a birthday cake. but he looked really ____ in those shots so er yeah.